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How can I see my salary slip?

There are 3 ways you can view your salary slips – 

Text Message

Once the salary slip is ready, you get a text message with a direct link to your salary slip. This link is only for your salary slip and is valid for 30 days.

Email Message

Once the salary slip is ready, you get an email with instructions how to view your salary slip.

Employee Portal

Regardless to the text messages and/or email messages, all your salary slips are uploaded to our secured portal and accessible at any time.

See below how to access the Employee Portal

Important Notes!

  1. You will get a text message only if your phone number is updated in the salary slip. It is up to your employer to make sure your phone number appears in the salary slip and up to date.

  2. There are some circumstances where a text message fails to deliver. We do everything we can to deliver those text messages, but sometimes this is not up to us (e.g. bad cellular connectivity etc.)

  3. Your employer must enable the email option and your email address must be valid and listed in the salary slip. Otherwise, emails will not be sent.

I got a text message with a link to my salary slip, what's next? sends each employee a unique link to your salary slip. This link usually expires after 30 days.

In order to view your salary slip using that link, all you have to do is click it. The system automatically identifies you as the owner of the salary slip and will either present or download your salary slip to your phone.

Important Note!

Depends on your mobile settings the salary slip will either open for view or will be downloaded to your device.
Usually, Android is set to download the file. In this case, do not click the link again.
Instead, search the file on your phone. It will probably be in your Downloads folder.
Another option is to look for the file download status at the Android Curtain menu (swipe your finger from top to bottom to open the menu).

Connecting to the Employee Portal

The Employee Portal stores all your salary slips delivered by your employer, as well as your personal information. 

You should connect to the portal whenever you would like to view your salary slips.

How to connect the Employee Portal

  1. Connect to
  2. Choose your language.
  3. Enter your Employee ID – this is your Passport ID or your Identification Number as it appears in the salary slip.
  4. Enter your password.
  5. If this is the first time you log in, you should have got your password from your employer. If you do not remember your password and need to recover it, please follow the section below – how to recover password.
  6. If this is the first time you log in, you will be asked to change your initial password. Please follow the guidelines for the new password, confirm it and click the button.
  7. That's it. You are logged in and can view your salary slips.

We also created a short video, explaining how to connect…

Recover Password

  1. Connect to
  2. Choose your language.
  3. If you need to recover your password, click the 'Recover Password' link.
  4. Enter your Employee ID – this is your Passport ID or your identification as it appears in the salary slip.
  5. Enter your phone number. Your phone number must already be stored in our system. We usually get that thru the Salary Slip itself. If it doesn't exist, you will get a message indicating that. In order to recover your password without a phone number, contact your employer.
  6. Once you enter the details, a text message with an initial passcode will be sent (usually it takes up to a minute). You should use that to do first login.
  7. Once you got the initial passcode, please get back to the login page and enter your employee ID and initial passcode. You will be redirected to the "First Login" screen. For more details see "Connecting to the Employee Portal" section above.



העובדים שוכחים להעביר כרטיס? צריכים להזכיר לשלוח דו״ח נוכחות? להזכיר או לרענן את נהלי הבטיחות?


מהיום, לא שוכחים כלום!

עם שירות ״תזכורת בקליק״ של נטלוש, אתם קובעים מתי, למי ואיזה תזכורות לשלוח לעובדים.



העובדים שוכחים להעביר כרטיס? צריכים להזכיר לשלוח דו״ח נוכחות? לרענן את נהלי הבטיחות?


מהיום, לא שוכחים כלום!

עם שירות ״תזכורת בקליק״ של נטלוש, אתם קובעים מתי, למי ואיזה תזכורות לשלוח לעובדים.

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לידיעתכם, האתר משתמש בעוגיות (Cookies). להסכם השימוש.